Who We Are

  • 100% volunteer-based with no paid staff
  • Impacted more than 21,000 St. Louis children and adults in 2022-2023
  • Our 493 volunteers gave 63,200 hours which is equal to 30 full-time employees and is worth over $2 million
  • 100% St. Louis-based
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Make a difference

Our member volunteers manage a variety of programs to benefit underserved populations in the St. Louis metropolitan region.  Each program has a unique delivery model and focus. We provide everything a child needs to wear to do well in school, athletic shoes and socks, personal care items for women and children in shelters, books for aspiring readers, and items to help families through tough times when they can't find help elsewhere.

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Community Collaboration Nets Generous Grant from Dana Brown Charitable Trust

This year, with the encouragement of the Executive Director of the Dana Brown Charitable Trust, Assistance League of St. Louis (ALSTL) and the National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) submitted a collaborative grant request to the foundation. The grant was approved, and each agency received $20,000 to stock closets in the St. Louis Public Schools.

Since 2018 the two organizations have partnered to provide children year-round access to much-needed school clothing, shoes, coats and hygiene products. These items are available in closets in 28 schools in the district, 12 of which the two organizations share.

Pictured left to right: Kellie Vaca, Shaw VPA Elementary School SLPS; Karen Silverman, NCJWSTL; Denise McKibben, ALSTL; and Renee Sigel-Hearst, NCJWSTL

The closets are an integral part ALSTL’s Operation School Bell program, which last year helped ensure student success across five area school districts by distributing items in 44 schools and supporting 36 AL’s closets.

Assistance League president Denise McKibben said, “We are very grateful for this generous support from the Dana Brown Charitable Trust to fund our collaboration. By working with NCJW, we avoid duplicating efforts and help ensure we reach as many children as possible. Assistance League of St. Louis continuously seeks ways to partner with other community organizations to increase our impact.”

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19th Authors Brunch - A Big Success!


 "Every year we say, ‘I don’t know how next year’s event could possibly
be any better,’ 
but somehow it seems that it always is."

Marriott St. Louis West was the scene of this year’s Assistance League of St. Louis (ALSTL) Authors Brunch, a major annual fundraiser to support ALSTL’s five community programs. The sold-out event featured author, Martha Hall Kelly (pictured above waving in the left rear of the audience), whose debut novel Lilac Girls was an instant New York Times bestseller the week it was published and went on to sell two million copies. Hall has since authored three additional best-selling works of historical fiction, including most recently The Golden Doves.

MarthaHallKelly ABOver 370 guests enjoyed an author meet and greet and book signing, a gourmet lunch, and opportunities to win luxury experiences and baskets. An event highlight was Hall’s in-depth keynote presentation entitled Celebrating Resilient Women.

ALSTL members and guests also shared touching mission moments of resilience, including words from Janie Burse, McKinney-Vento Social Worker in the Ferguson-Florissant School District, who recounted stories of how Assistance League is building resilience in the homes of students and families in her district. She said, “ It is hard to know where to begin to express the incredible impact this amazing organization has had on the students and families in the Ferguson-Florissant School District. The Outreach Program has become a vital resource in serving our families in need.”

ALSTL president Denise McKibben said, “We are so grateful to all who attended the Authors Brunch to support our work in the community. Every year we say, ‘I don’t know how next year’s event could possibly be any better,’ but somehow it seems that it always is. This year’s event co-chairs Nancy Lynn and Jill Greulich led an amazing team of volunteers to plan this outstanding event!”

See more photos in Town & Style and on Assistance League of St. Louis' Facebook Page.

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