Who We Are

  • 100% volunteer-based with no paid staff
  • Impacted more than 21,000 St. Louis children and adults in 2022-2023
  • Our 493 volunteers gave 63,200 hours which is equal to 30 full-time employees and is worth over $2 million
  • 100% St. Louis-based
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What We Do

Make a difference

Our member volunteers manage a variety of programs to benefit underserved populations in the St. Louis metropolitan region.  Each program has a unique delivery model and focus. We provide everything a child needs to wear to do well in school, athletic shoes and socks, personal care items for women and children in shelters, books for aspiring readers, and items to help families through tough times when they can't find help elsewhere.

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Assistance League Taps Sandy Thal to Lead


Assistance League of St. Louis (ALSTL) has elected Sandy Thal as its president for the 2024-25 fiscal year.

Thal, a Town and Country resident and a native of St. Louis, earned a Master’s Degree from Maryville University in 2014 and has served on the ALSTL board of directors and in other leadership roles since 2017.

Thal said, “I am honored to serve this 500-strong, all-volunteer nonprofit organization that has transformed the lives of children and adults in the St. Louis Region since 1987! In the months ahead, we’re looking forward to strengthening our community partnerships, finalizing and implementing a new five-year strategic plan, and expanding our volunteer membership base. Assistance League of St. Louis is going to have another busy year!”

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Place a Bet on Fun. Mark Your Calendars for Gala 2024!

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Ladies and Gentlemen, mark your calendars for an evening that promises glamour, excitement, and a touch of James Bond’s sophistication. Assistance League of St. Louis proudly presents our 2024...

Casino Royale Gala — High Stakes, High Hopes
Saturday, October 26, 2024
DoubleTree by Hilton - Chesterfield

Join us for an unforgettable evening featuring thrilling casino games, swanky cocktails, delicious food, and luxury live and silent auctions. Celebrate the power of volunteerism, and support our vital community programs.

Don’t gamble on missing out—save the date now for a night of glamour and giving! Share this with friends and family so they can join in on the excitement too.

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